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Is Dallas Tap Water Safe to Drink?

Scott Winfield
Written by Scott Winfield
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The latest water quality reports by the local Texas government have confirmed Dallas tap water as safe to drink, and the EPA recognized Dallas for having one of the safest drinking water in the US.

More specifically, The City of Dallas Water Utilities (DWU) is rated as a “Superior” Water System by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), which is the highest rating awarded.


In this article, we’ll discuss the source of Dallas tap water, the treatment process it undergoes, and its contaminant levels compared to the EPA’s allowable limit.

Dallas Water Quality Report: What is in the Water?

ContaminantDallas Water levelsEPA action limitEPA’s public health goal
LeadZero15 ppbZero
Copper0 to 260 ppb1,300 ppb300 ppb
Fluoride0.6 to 0.7 ppm2 ppm1 ppm
Total trihalomethanes4.7 to 18.5 ppb80 ppbZero
Nitrate0.563 to 0.80 ppm10 ppm10 ppm
Atrazine0.07 to 0.20 ppb3 ppb3 ppb
Bromate1.23 ppb10 ppbZero
Total haloacetic acids1.3 to 15.3 ppb60 ppbZero

Like all American cities, Dallas releases yearly water quality reports that give insights into the tap water content. The latest Dallas City water quality report shows that there are no contaminants above the legal limits set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWRs).

One of the most common drinking water problems in the United States is lead due to old piping lines with lead components. As such, many cities, such as Portland, New York City, and Boston, suffer from excessive amounts of lead in their tap water. Dallas, fortunately, doesn’t have this problem, as the water quality report shows no trace of lead in the water.

The only prevalent contaminants in Dallas tap water are the most common ones found in municipal water, such as fluoride (added by municipal authorities all across the US for maintaining teeth health) and total trihalomethanes (also known as TTHMs, which are by-products of disinfectants like chlorine and chloramines).

For more information, we had to check the Environmental Working Group’s data (EWG) provided by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and EPA. This dataset gave us a closer look at the makeup of Dallas’ water while allowing us to compare results with the EWG health guidelines that coincide with the EPA’s public health goals about drinking water contaminants.

According to this dataset, there is more to the Dallas water than the city’s water quality report reveals. It shows the presence of some worrisome contaminants that are below the EPA action limit but above the EWG health guidelines and EPA public health goals:

  • Arsenic
  • Bromate
  • Bromodichloromethane
  • Haloacetic acids (HAA5 & HAA9)
  • Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs)

These contaminants are in non-lethal levels, but as explained by the EPA in NPDWRs (linked above), they have been linked to increased cancer risk. So, you may want to take the necessary precautions, such as investing in a water filtration unit for arsenic, hexavalent chromium, or total trihalomethanes, to prevent potential health risks.

Is the Tap Water in Dallas Hard or Soft?

Water hardness is determined by the quantity of calcium and magnesium minerals in the water. The tap water (water distributed by the municipal authorities) in Texas is soft. However, because the state sits atop an aquifer, the groundwater (well water) is hard, with an estimated 200 ppm hardness level. This puts Texas fourth on the list of hardwater states in the United States. Dallas, in particular, has a water hardness of 140 PPM.

Having hard vs soft water comes with several pros and cons. Here’s a compiled list of those pros and cons:

  • Minerals in hard water are nutritional for the body.
  • Hard water minerals flush out excess fat and bile through your feces.
  • Calcium and magnesium relieve digestive disorders such as constipation.
  • Calcium strengthens bones and teeth.
  • Hard water has a better taste than soft water.
  • Hard water makes your hair brittle and fragile over time.
  • Minerals in hard water leave your skin dry, rough, and itchy.
  • Hard water leaves spots on your dishes and causes stains on your appliances.
  • Hard water corrodes and clogs pipes, which leads to a drop in water pressure in your home.
  • Washing clothes in hard water makes your clothes lose color in the washing machine.

Where Dallas Gets Its Water From

Where Dallas Gets Its Water From

Dallas primarily obtains water from the Ray Hubbard Reservoir. However, the state also sources water from Lake Tawakoni, the Elm Fork of the Trinity River, Lake Ray Roberts, Lake Lewisville, Lake Grapevine, and Lake Fork.

How Tap Water Is Treated in Dallas

The Dallas Water Utility (DWU) uses chlorine and chloramine to disinfect the water. Lime and iron sulfate are added to help remove solids during the coagulation and flocculation stages. Ozone is sometimes used as part of the disinfection process. Additionally, fluoride is added to the water to help improve teeth health.

After disinfection with the above chemicals, the water is filtered to remove the remaining particles, including sand and gravel. This ensures the water is safe to drink and meets all regulatory standards.

Does Dallas Have the Cleanest Tap Water?

Dallas doesn’t have the cleanest tap water in the United States, largely due to the rural areas that surround the city. However, there are no health-based violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act, so the water is safe to drink.

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Scott Winfield
Scott Winfield
My name is Scott Winfield and researching and writing about water filters and other strategies to purify water has become my full time passion in recent years. I'm glad that you found our site and you can look forward to authoritative and well researched content here to help you get the best in water.
  1. Thanks for your interesting article. Don’t want to use tap water for my coffee, so I use a Brita water pitcher since I live in a 40 year old building & do not have a filter in my refrigerator. Otherwise, I buy purified bottled water from Kroger for my drinking water. Just read that Brita is being sued in California!! What is the safest water pitcher system to buy?

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